Bohemian Oddity #1: The Withered Hand

Prior to the April release of my new travel article in stalkingElk Magazine, I’ll be previewing just a few of the Bohemian oddities that will be featured. First up, it’s Church of St. James… and the creepy mummified arm of a 17th century thief.

Here’s how the legend goes. One night in Prague, a rather unsavoury fellow was strolling past the Church of St. James when he noticed that the door was ever-so-slightly ajar. Sensing a rare opportunity, he ventured inside to see what precious items he could pinch… and his eyes soon fell upon the jewels hanging around the neck of the Virgin Mary statue. But as he reached up to unburden the Madonna, she suddenly sprang into life and grabbed his arm, before promptly turning back into cold, hard stone. Continue reading

Coming Soon

I apologise profusely for the delay with this page but I promise you… this travel blog is coming very soon.


In the meantime, why not take a look at a small but tasty selection of my published travel articles and blogs?

Or if you’re looking for a bit of aural stimulation, you should give The Chop House comedy podcast a whirl!

And if there’s anything else, just get in touch. Cheers!